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Top 5 sources for ‘new retail’ holiday reading

The sun is shining, and we’ve been talking here in the studio, as well as with clients, about all the reading we’re hoping to catch up with as we head off on our various summertime jaunts.

Image courtesy of our client Blondies Kitchen

So, in this month’s Blog post we're sharing our recommended Top 5 sources for ‘new retail’ reading for the holidays.

1. What’s in store for physical retail?

It’s been a tough couple of years for the retail sector and 2022 isn’t shaping up to be much easier with the rising cost of living now in the mix! But our industry is resilient. Increased agility and investment in ecommerce meant the survival of many retail brands during the pandemic. However, the levels of returning footfall to stores has proved that bricks have not been replaced by clicks. Physical stores have an important and critical role in today’s retail ecosystem. ‘What lies in store for physical retail’ is the title of a new report from Retail Week and Eventbrite (the global ticketing and event marketing platform). The report tackles the question of why stores are still important and looks at what the post-pandemic consumer wants from their retail store experience. There are contributions from some major retailers on how to create destinations that consumers want to visit. So, this one is a definite must read.

2. Highlights from Retail Week Live & Shoptalk Europe 2022

If you prefer a podcast, then The Retail Exchange has something for everyone. Karl McKeever (media commentator and keynote speaker) hosts a nice selection of recent interviews with leading retailers from Retail Week Live 2022 and Shoptalk Europe 2022.

3. Should you be investing in the Metaverse?

There is a lot of media ‘noise’ about the Metaverse currently. Should you be planning to build your store in the Metaverse this year? This BRC podcast talks to David Josephs of Meta who provides an accessible introduction to what the Metaverse is, and its potential application for retail brands. You will be pleased to know that the reality is, there’s no need to rush your investment! Meta thinks we are probably 10—15 years away from knowing what the true manifestation of the Metaverse will look like, though of course, in the meantime, Meta are keen to encourage testing and early adoption! Have a listen and decide for yourself.

4. What does a ‘customer-centric’ experience look like?

We posted about this one in last month’s blog, but it’s a goodie so if you missed it, read on. A ‘customer-centric’ experience is critical for retail today. In fact, here at Innovare Design, this principle lies at the heart of all our store design projects. However, many retailers wrongly think customer-centric retail relies on great service alone, but it’s actually about much more. Take a look at this recent Forbes list of top 100 most customer-centric companies. It’s got some superb examples/case studies that will undoubtedly get you thinking.

5. Longer reads around ‘new retail’

If you’re looking for something with a bit more depth about how to tackle the ‘new retail’ challenges that lie ahead, then this book shortlist from the Bookauthority might be helpful. And if you’d rather not support Amazon, you can also find our favourite book of the moment, Resurrecting Retail by Doug Stephens, at Waterstones.


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